Dedicated Server Hosting Solution

Every critical business needs a Dedicated server hosting solution that does not charge so high and seamlessly manages everything with ease. Are you running an eCommerce business website that has a myriad of products? You must choose our Dedicated server hosting that has all the effective tools for handling your website with no hurdle. “Drona Infotech” will provide a high-performance server to businesses which include instant provisioning, DDoS protection, Root access, server experts, and the list goes on.

It is a type of internet hosting in which a business buys the whole server instead of sharing it with others. This great server is a system configured for internet apps like websites, private clouds, and more. The team of Drona Infotech has helped numerous businesses by providing this server. We understand what your modern business is looking for, so get in touch with us soon.

Big reasons why you need
Dedicated Server hosting?

  • Get your own dedicated hardware. No need to share it with anyone.
  • It eliminates the cost of server space and zero expense for maintenance.
  • Fulfill your specific needs by customizing your dedicated server.
  • No server sharing means no risk of security.

Why Drona Infotech for
Dedicated Server hosting?

Monitor Your Server


Our professionals keep a closer look at your server so that if there is any issue in the server, we resolve it faster without disturbing you.

Get Automatic backup


Server data will remain safe. We will provide an automatic backup service to protect your data.

Optimal Server Performance


With the advantages of high-memory variants, SSD storage, XEON processor, etc it’s simple to handle your business tasks.

Customize as per your needs


We will do it based on RAM and the type of CPU you are using. We also want to know the size of the disks and RAID Configuration.